Park(ing) Day - 3

Park(ing) Day - 3

PARK(ING) DAY RETURNS This September, 25 August.


“is to rethink the way streets are used, call attention to the need for urban parks, and improve the quality of urban human habitats… at least until the meter runs out.”

- ...although Not So New
New thinking on urban parks Friday, January 08, 2010 By Ahmad Rafay Alam ... like no other thing, public spaces are the laboratory of democracy, and we should ensure that men, women and children from all segments of society can, freely and unmolested,...

- ... It´s Going To Be Ok
"Cities on Speed, GLOBAL VISIONS FOR an urban FUTURE is a documentary project commissioned by The Danish Film Institute and the national broadcaster DR . The project is a series of four films – Bogotà Change, Mumbai Disconnected, Cairo Garbage,...

- Compreender A Cidade Pós-industrial
"The engaged scientists and also possible "users" of the results will be given the opportunity to learn and to understand whichsimilar macro-processes (metropolisation, post-industrialism etc) are framing urban development and what the room tomanoeuvre...

- Livros De La Em Saldo Aqui
Livros da área de Arquitectura Paisagista. Por erro dos serviços de envio/correios e depois de uma reclamação estes livros estão repetidos. Ficaram guardados, não usados e esquecidos, desde há 2 anos, numa das estantes mais distantes. Aceitam-se...

- Desenhar O Espaço Com Bons Sentidos
Mais referências para melhorar o espaço urbano Designing small parks, a manual for adressing social and ecological concerns, Ann Forsyth and Laura Musacchio "Small parks are too often relegated to the status of stepchild of municipal and metropolitan...

