Re-making Places
3ª Conferência anual "Re-making Places", organisada pela RUDI (Resources for Urban Design Information), Londres, 21 de Janeiro de 2010.
"Redesigning and remodelling places to cater for modern styles of life and a sustainable future can ensure urban areas remain vibrant and liveable places. But what are the key ingredients for creating successful urban environments? And what are the techniques for re-designing and improving places so they are suited for a better urban future? "Link confª Remaking Places/
Nova Iorque: últimos 90 Dias Para Fumar Em Espaços Públicos
There are only three months left for the city's smokers to indulge in their habit in public places. Not content with banning smoking in restaurants and bars, smoking in New York City's parks, beaches, board walks, pedestrian plazas and other public...
... It´s Going To Be Ok
"Cities on Speed, GLOBAL VISIONS FOR an urban FUTURE is a documentary project commissioned by The Danish Film Institute and the national broadcaster DR . The project is a series of four films – Bogotà Change, Mumbai Disconnected, Cairo Garbage,...
Compreender A Cidade Pós-industrial
"The engaged scientists and also possible "users" of the results will be given the opportunity to learn and to understand whichsimilar macro-processes (metropolisation, post-industrialism etc) are framing urban development and what the room tomanoeuvre...
Ainda A Transformação Das Cinturas Verdes Inglesas
Como em todo o lado, a existência de organizações de carácter diverso resulta da necessidade de representação de distintos grupos de interesse e das suas naturais diferenças no que respeita a preocupações e prioridades. Interessa é que essa...
Park(ing) Day - 3
PARK(ING) DAY RETURNS This September, 25 August. parking-day “is to rethink the way streets are used, call attention to the need for urban parks, and improve the quality of urban human habitats… at least until the meter runs out.” ...