Bach: Coffee Cantata, Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211, Part 1 ...

Bach: Coffee Cantata, Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211, Part 1 ...

 Por ACONYC in 19/05/2010

Thomas Crawford, diretor musical e fundador
Americana Orquestra Clássica
Quarta-feira, 24 fevereiro, 2010 pm 8
Igreja do Santíssimo Sacramento
Música de J.S. Bach -175 0 16 8 5

Cantata: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211, Coffee Cantata
libreto de Christian Friedrich Henrici
Kristen Hahn - Soprano, Steven Moore - barítono, Alex Guerrero - Tenor

A gravação de 24 de fevereiro de 2010 "Todos os programas Bach" foi possível em parte com recursos públicos do Fundo de comunidades criativas, apoiado pelo Estado de Nova York do Conselho para as Artes e Administrado pela Lower Manhattan Conselho Cultural.

Enviado por ACONYC em 19/05/2010
Thomas Crawford, Music Director and Founder
American Classical Orchestra
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 8 p.m.
Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Music of J.S. Bach 16 8 5 -175 0

Cantata: Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211, Coffee Cantata
libretto by Christian Friedrich Henrici
Kristen Hahn - Soprano, Steven Moore - Baritone, Alex Guerrero - Tenor

The recording of the February 24, 2010 "All Bach Program" was made possible in part with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by the New York State Council on the Arts and administered by the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.

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